Normy ortograficzne C lub Z (zasady pisowni)

C czy Z? Litery C i Z mogą sprawiać problemy ortograficzne, ponieważ brzmią podobnie. Poniższe zasady mogą ułatwić pisownię: C piszemy przed samogłoskami E, I. Wyjątki: zeta, zigzag, Ezequiel. Czasowniki kończące się na -ZAR piszemy z C. Zmieniają Z na C przed E w czasie subjuntivo presente, trybie rozkazującym i 1. osobie liczby pojedynczej w … Read more

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Activities to do in Málaga

Alcazaba The Alcazaba is one of the most well-preserved Arab fortresses in Spain. It was built in the 11th century as a defensive stronghold against enemies. The influence of Arab domination is particularly evident in its architecture and gardens, showcasing the mastery of Arab craftsmen in manipulating light and shadow in interior spaces. The Arab … Read more

Where can we eat typical food?

Spain in general is characterized by its great variety of traditional food, and Málaga is a fantastic city to sample it. The richness of its gastronomy, influenced by its coastal location and multicultural history, offers a wide range of flavors from fresh seafood to cured meats and hearty mountain dishes. Málaga, with its sunny climate … Read more

¿Where can we eat typical food?

Spain in general is characterized by its great variety of traditional food, and Málaga is a fantastic city to sample it. The richness of its gastronomy, influenced by its coastal location and multicultural history, offers a wide range of flavors from fresh seafood to cured meats and hearty mountain dishes. Málaga, with its sunny climate … Read more

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Extraordinary week in summer (Holy week)

Holy Week is one of the most important festivities for the city, and this year commemorating different anniversaries of different Brotherhoods you may be lucky enough to see a Holy Week procession in the summer. These processions are known as ‘extraordinary’ and are usually held when the Brotherhood or Image celebrates its 75th, 90th or … Read more

Cultural events in Málaga

Málaga is a city that offers various cultural horizons. In fact, within its physical territory, you can spend time in the midst of nature, relax at the many beaches, and even reach the mountains!  If, however, you are not a nature lover, the city will offer you many cultural activities.  We have selected the most … Read more

Wycieczka po Maladze

Malaga to malownicze miasto, ktore kryje w sobie wiele pieknych miejsc, zarowno tych znanych i uczeszczanych przez wielu turystow jak rowniez bardziej tajemniczych i cieszacych sie znacznie mniejsza popularnoscia. Duza uwage przyciagaja rowniez tutejsze piaszczyste plaze, krystaliczne morze oraz urokliwy deptak. Bedac tu przez kilka tygodni udalo mi sie zwiedzic niektore z nich: Pierwszym miejscem … Read more

Das Leben in Malaga ab 21 Uhr

Das Leben in Malaga ab 21 Uhr   Egal ob Sie hier sind, weil sie Urlaub machen oder hier sind um sich weiter zu bilden, abends werden Sie bestimmt 2 oder 3 Stunden Zeit haben um mal ein bischen durch die Stadt zu laufen. Sie werden merken, dass die Stadt erst dan richtig anfaengt zu … Read more

Day trips from Málaga

People who travel to Andalucía have the chance to visit many special places in the form of a day trip. If you have decided to go on a trip to Malaga, take the opportunity to discover other great areas of Spain. Not only will you make unforgettable memories, but you will also learn a lot … Read more