
Extraordinary week in summer (Holy week)

Holy Week is one of the most important festivities for the city, and this year commemorating different anniversaries of different Brotherhoods you may be lucky enough to see a Holy Week procession in the summer. These processions are known as ‘extraordinary’ and are usually held when the Brotherhood or Image celebrates its 75th, 90th or even its centenary.

Amor The Christ of Love will go out in procession to celebrate the Centenary of the foundation of the Brotherhood (8 June).

Cena La Virgen de la Paz will go out in procession to celebrate the Centenary of the foundation of the Brotherhood (13 July).

New Hope will go out in procession for the 50th anniversary of the blessing of the image of the Nazareno del Perdón (7 September).

Humility and Patience The Virgin of Sorrows and Hope will go out in procession to commemorate the 25th anniversary of her blessing (21 September).

Pastora Canonical Coronation of the Divina Pastora (5 October)

Students will go out in procession to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the making of the image (19 October).